Escape to Yogyakarta
October Break - Escape To Yogyakarta, Centra Java
After a short 45 minute flight from Jakarta to Yogyakarta, we were on our way to a wonderful week of sight seeing, relaxation and occasional diarrhea. Chris Broderick, a fellow teacher, took this classic picture of our little Tice unit at Borobodur. Borobodur is a must see for anyone visiting Indonesia. Built around 750AD, it was once listed as one of the Seven Wonders of The World. It is a truly mystical experience, hence the many pictures we took below.
Trying to get Pea to pose with the plaster elephant outside the airport for Auntie Juju but she wouldn't have it.
We stayed at a villa neslted amongst rice and corn fields. A wonderful family ran the villa, including our driver Arie, a friendly and helpful fellow we quickly became friends with.
The villa was killa for a week to chilla.
Inside the villa.
Such a cool experience walking around this village outside of Yogyakarta. This is what we came to experience living abroad, being not just a tourist, but truly experiencing what it means to be an Indonesian, submerging ourselves in this reality, having this environment encompass our entire being. By doing this, we are tapping into what it is to be human, finding the common threads behind the guise of appearance. We are becoming citizens of the globe.
I tried taking Pea for a bike ride, but she felt a walk was more appropriate.
Lovely stroll in the farmlands.
Pea is learning the names of farm animals and the sounds they make. This was a perfect opportunity to test her knowledge. A group of local children watched as we made, "Baaaaa" sounds, and "Moooo!" sounds. They quickly joined in following us around on their bicycles chiming in with the occasional "Baaaaaa!"
Cute group of kids following us around.
This picture really moooooooooooooves me.
A little local volleyball action.
Locals harvesting peanuts. I was hoping there would be some locals harvesting beers as well to go along with the peanuts. Such a good combination!
Our hosts played guitar in the evenings, which was quite nice.
A little drum session with a local girl. This little girl taught Pea how to jam out.
Play those percussions pea!
Sometimes a man must take a selfie. I am one such man and this is one such selfie.
Very detailed work.
Surrounded by jungle, Borobodur was a mystical experience.
Every Indonesian guidebook contains this picture for good reason as it is quite lovely,
Pea is very popular in Indonesia. Folks are constantly taking pictures with our blondie.
Family shot.
Pea chillin.
Can't take enough photos of this place.
My main man Buddha, chillin in the hills, makin deals....of a spiritual nature of course.
Pea chasing around her pals Pax and Zoe.
Backpack + Pea + Giant Temple Steps = Stinky Man
Pea is cool as long as she has her "Elsa" doll.
Next temple up, Prambanan. This Hindu temple was built around 1000AD with Brahma, Vishnu, & Shiva particularly showcased.
I broke out in "Prambanan - The Musical," but it didn't really catch.
Our Bule crew. "Bule" means foreigner or white person in Bahasa. We stick out like a sore thumb. What a weird sight we must be to Indonesians.
Happy family. More posts to come.
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